This weblog is meant to document some of the details that went into editing Peter Jackson'southward three Hobbit films downwardly into a single 3-hour movie that, I remember, follows Tolkien'south original story equally lovingly as possible. I should say that while I don't recollect Jackson's storytelling was as concise and character-driven as it could have been, I consider this cut to be a demonstration that there IS a really fun and beautiful movie cached in the material the filmmakers created. It just needed to exist carefully extracted. Thus, a "fan edit."

I've spent many weeks advisedly recrafting the work into what I'g calling "At that place and Back Again: A Hobbit's Cut" after the title of Bilbo Baggins' own autobiographical book inside the story. This keeps this fan edit distinct from others in a way that I think is respectful to Tolkien'south ain intentions.

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Through editing I've not simply removed material that I felt was superfluous or nonsensical, simply likewise reordered scenes and structure, switched out musical cues, and combined places and characters. I've put considerable fourth dimension into toning down even very small-scale moments that felt out of place, overly slapstick, or gratuitously CGI-oriented.

What I really wanted to practice was make a version that is seamless and genuinely watchable, and even entertaining.

With that, I think you'll discover an interesting, albeit imperfect film, that feels more in line with what I think a lot of fans hoped to see when a Hobbit movie was first announced, and even more in line with Jackson's original Lord of the Rings trilogy. I believe the three 60 minutes length feels appropriate for the epic nature of the story and fits nicely with the length of the Rings trilogy, acting over again as something of a prologue.

(Before I go into more detail, I'd like to acknowledge TolkienEditor'south 4 60 minutes cut. It is a very different version in a number of ways, but he/she crush me likewise the dial, and my chapeau is off. I would like to note that "There and Back Again" is over an hour shorter and a good deal more weekends of work than TolkienEditor's cut — as I understand it — but all the aforementioned some really cracking piece of work was washed, some with very similar instincts, and I'd almost suggest one might consider that version to be an "Extended Cut" of the one y'all'll find here.)


Here are some more specific notes on what has been changed:

  • Overall, Bilbo has been made front and middle the film'southward protagonist, and nosotros witness the story almost entirely through his perspective. Martin Freeman's excellent performance carries us through most of the way, as one would expect. Exceptions to this are a few scenes given to Bard (whose expanded office in Jackson's cloth was too critical to remove entirely), and some of the Dwarves' gamble in the Goblin tunnels.
  • Thorin'due south story has been reduced where it doesn't straight impact Bilbo's.
  • The get-go of the film begins much the same way the book does, with the line "In a hole in the footing, there lived a Hobbit." Gone is the all-encompassing and unnecessary history of Dale and the Dwarves, who I feel are introduced much better as they arrive at Bilbo'south home. Instead Bilbo almost immediately takes the states back to his first meeting with Gandalf, and we're off from there.
  • The Dwarves' dinner in Bag End has been greatly trimmed and aside from a few seconds of a more subtle "That's What Bilbo Baggins Hates" we are quickly moved into hearing of Gandalf's quest.
  • The story of Smaug'south assail on Dale and Erabor, too as the dwarvish peoples' exile under the leadership of Thorin, has been laid over the vocal of the Misty Mountains, a dramatic montage that I discover far more effective and takes inspiration from the 1977 animated adaptation. You can detect a cut of this scene below.
  • Azog is almost entirely gone, his appearances limited to the signal where he could substantially exist simply another Orc warrior. Bolg remains (equally in the book) simply even then his role is very small.
  • As such, the Orcs don't set on until after the encounter with the Goblin rex.
  • The chase through the Goblin tunnels is greatly compressed. Gandalf arrives, stuns the goblins, stabs the Goblin Male monarch, and flees the mount after a very quick skirmish.
  • Beorn does not chase the Dwarves. After traveling with the Eagles, Gandalf tells them of a place nearby they might stay the night, and we discover Bilbo waking the next morn to detect his company having a brief breakfast with Beorn. At that place is then more of an implication that Beorn is protecting them on their journey to Mirkwood.
  • Kili'due south romance with Tauriel is gone. She appears briefly, every bit does Legolas, only in a few cursory cameos. It like a good idea to still propose at that place are Elvish women, and authentic to suggest that Legolas was at Mirkwood at the time.
  • The barrel chase is gone entirely. The company escapes down the river happy and unscathed, with Legolas watching incredulously from afar. I've also removed all the bizarre GoPro footage.
  • Much of the cloth in Lake Town is gone. The dwarves arrive with Bard's help, are defenseless stealing weapons, and are presented to the Chief. He greedily welcomes them and sends them on their fashion.
  • As such, much equally I dear Stephen Fry, he is given only a few brief appearances. The entirely superfluous character Alfrid (played, I admit, with perfect enthusiasm by Ryan Gage) simply appears to act as the Main's wormy counselor as they welcome the Dwarves.
  • Kili, Fili, Bofur and Oin all become to the Solitary Mountain with the residuum of the company. No one remains in Lake Boondocks. There is no Orc attack on the town or sick Dwarf adventures.
  • Thorin and his Dwarves never meet Smaug, as in the book. Only Bilbo e'er enters the mountain before the dragon'southward attack on Lake Town.
  • Bard kills Smaug on his own, without the help of his son Bain. I really enjoyed the drama this added to the scene in Jackson's cut, only however it seemed unnecessary for the story and too much of a distraction. I would accept loved to reintroduce the Thrush'due south relaying of Bilbo's message for Bard to look for Smaug'southward missing scale (every bit in the volume), and might yet exercise then once I have the time to exercise some fancier compositing work.
  • Much of Thorin's descent into madness has been extracted, though he yet acts substantially every bit the primary antagonist. For me, Tolkien's version of Thorin always worked every bit a caution against greed in a very relatable way. The constant and overt suggestions that his folly is an well-nigh literal "sickness" seems to take any human being element abroad from his story. I realize Tolkien himself suggested it was "Dragon Sickness," but I'thousand non certain that was ever intended to represent a genuine physical illness. Maybe I'm incorrect.
  • The Battle of Five armies has been cut down to a climax of nether 10 minutes, with significantly less cartoon insanity, and Bilbo's bash on the caput puts a narrative end to information technology.
  • This is currently an ONGOING projection. More than changes and improvements, some fairly ambitious, will be made every bit time permits.

Want to accept a look? You'll need to take hold of the torrent. I'd dear to be able to share this more openly but, sigh.

Download Torrent – 720p .mp4 (Requires torrent client, like uTorrent or Transmission. Beware of malicious banner links posing as download links.)


A little flake in closing. I'd like to say again that I really do appreciate what Peter Jackson has accomplished. I don't think any other filmmaker could have ever brought Eye Globe to life so beautifully. When I set out to make this version I did it mostly out of marvel, as a creative project to flex editorial muscles on, and out of my own honey of Tolkien and The Hobbit (my favorite book as a child). I genuinely intend no disrespect to Jackson or his incredible team.

And one concluding heads up. Due to the unavailability of a Blu Ray version of "The Battle of the Five Armies," the third human activity of "There and Back Again" becomes suddenly and dramatically much poorer in image and sound quality. It'due south pretty icky when it happens, so I apologize in advance if you get in that far. I intend to set that once I can buy a higher quality version of that film.
